Friday, January 27, 2012

The new years.

(Typical after-chinese new years effect)

Happy 2012 everyone!

So what if i'm 28 days late! It's still worth telling the world that it's ending in about 12 months time! :D

okay probably not the best way to start a new years post.


It's 2012 everybody! it's the last year on---- damn i did it again didn't I? D:


Welcome to 2012!

Oh yes, 2012! this year will last forever! can't make this stuff up ;)

so people normally have new year resolutions, so i decided to post my one and only resolution.

1. Be Batman

yeap that's all. very realistic resolution. i hate those bimbo's that go all

"oh this year i wanna have x amount of boyfriends cause im hot and sexy and made of jelly"

ok i admit, i have no idea why i typed jelly.

but in order to become batman i have to lose weight....

still batman eh.

love you rach! :D

by love i mean hug,

by hug i mean squeeze,

by squeeze i mean hold,

by hold i mean eat.
